Анализ рынка школьных досок в РФ 2014-2016 прогноз на 2017-2018 (фин) eng (1) (1)
- Год выхода отчёта: 2018
O verview of Russian school blackboards’ market in 2014-2016, forecast for 2017-2018
Overview of Russian school blackboards’ market in 2014-2016, forecast for 2017-2018
April, 2017
1. Methodological comments to the research 5
2. General information on the Russian Federation 7
2.1. G eographic al location 7
2.2. Political situation 8
2.3. Economic situation 9
2.4. Administrati ve economic situation 12
2.5. Education system 13
2.5.1. General information 13
2.5.2. Educational institutions 14
2.5.3. Decision levels 15
2.5.4. Levels of education 16
2.5.5. Infrastructure of educational system (educational establishments) 17
2.5.6. Financing of educational system 18
2.5.7. State procurement system in education 19
2.5.8. Legislative regulation and state programs 20
3. General information on the supply system in the educational establishments in the Russian Federation in 2014-2016 21
3.1. Key features of analyzable market 21
3.2. Evaluation of market volumes and dynamics in 2014-2016 21
3.3. Market capacity 22
3.4. Estimation of factors influencing the market 23
3.5. Evaluation of market structure in 2015. Analysis of changes in market structure 24
3.5.1. Structure as per major players 24
3.5.2 Structure as per product types 25
4. Analysis of foreign trade supplies on the market of school blackboards in Russia, 2014-2016 26
4.1. Import volumes and dynamics , 2014 -2016 26
4.2. Import structure , 2015, 2016: 27
4.2.1. Structure as per producing countries 27
4.2.2. Structure as per manufacturing companies 29
4.2.3. Structure as per acquiring company 30
4.3. Unit import value 33
5. General information on school blacboards’ market in the Russian Federation. 2014-2016 34
5.2. Evaluation of market volume and dynamics, 2014-2016 35
5.3. Market capacity 36
5.4. Estimation of factors influencing the market 36
5.5. Current market trends 36
5.6. Evaluation of market structure, 2015. Analysis of changes in the market structure: 37
5.6.1. Structure as per major players 37
5.6.2. Structure as per products types 38
5.6.3. Structure as per coating types for products 38
6. Production analysis on the school blackboards’ market in Russia, 2014-2016 39
6.1. Production volumes and dynamics , 2014-2016 39
6.2. Production structure , 2015 39
6.2.1. Structure as per all producers 39
6.2.2. Structure as per consumption segments 40
7. Competitive analysis of the market of school blackboards in the Russian Federation, 2014-2016 40
7.1. Competitive analysis : manufacturers 40
7.2. Evaluation of the level of competition in the market 41
7.3. All players represented on the market: 41
7.3.1. Company profile 41
7.3.2. Evaluation of the volume and dynamics of sales, 2014-2016 45
7.3.3. Range of products sold 46
7.3.4. Channels for the sale of finished products 48
7.3.5. Analysis of current producer prices (wholesale and retail prices) 48
8. Conclusions on the research of the market of school blackboards in the Russian Federation, 2014-2016 78
8.1. Prospects and forecast of market development for 2017-2018 78
8.2. Conclusions on the research 79
Information about the performer of the project 80
List of figures and diagrams
Figure 1. Russia on the world map 7
Diagram 1. GDP in Russia, billion US dollars 10
Diagram 2. Export and import dynamics in the Russian Federation, billion US dollars 11
Diagram 3. Social economic indicators in Russia according to the results of year of 2016 11
Diagram 5. Dynamics of supply market volumes in the educational establishments of the Russian Federation, 2014-2015, mln. rubles. 22
Diagram 6. The capacity of supply market for educational establishments in Russia 22
Diagram 7. The structure of supply market for educational establishments as per major players, 2016, % from value terms 24
Diagram 8. Import dynamics of school blackboards in 2014-2016, Russia, in physical terms 26
Diagram 9. Import dynamics of school blackboards, 2014-2016, Russia, in value terms 26
Diagram 10. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of producing countries, 2016, % from physical terms 28
Diagram 11. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of manufacturing company, 2016, % from physical terms 30
Diagram 12. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of acquiring companies, 2016, % from physical terms 32
Diagram 13. Dynamics of unit import value for school blackboard in Russia, 2014-2016 33
Diagram 14. Market volume dynamics for school blackboards’ market in Russia, 2014-2016 35
Diagram 15. The capacity of school blackboards’ market in Russia 36
Diagram 16. The structure of school blackboards’ market in terms of main market players, 2015, % from physical terms 37
Diagram 17. Market structure as per products types, 2015, % from natural terms 38
Diagram 18. The structure of school blackboards’ market in terms of coating type, 2015 38
Diagram 19. The dynamics of school blackboards’ production in Russia, 2014-2015 39
Diagram 20. The structure of Russian blackboards’ production in terms of producers, 2015, % from physical terms 39
Diagram 21. The structure of Russian blackboards’ production in terms of consumption segments, 2015, % from physical terms 40
Diagram 22. The structure of Russian production of school blackboards by main groups of manufacturers, 2015, % by volume 40
Diagram 23. Forecast of the development of the market of school blackboards in Russia, 2014-2018 (forecast). 78
List of tables
Table 1. Procurement structure of training equipment as per product types in 2016 25
Table 2. Import volume and dynamics of school blackboards, 2014-2016 26
Table 3. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of producing countries, 2015 27
Table 4. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of producing countries, 2016 27
Table 5. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of manufacturing company, 2015 29
Table 6. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of manufacturing company, 2016 29
Table 7. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of acquiring companies, 2015 31
Table 8. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of acquiring companies, 2016 31
Table 9. Dynamics of unit import value for school blackboard in Russia, 2014-2016 33
Table 10. Market volume dynamics for school blackboards’ market in Russia, 2014-2016 35
Table 11. The dynamics of school blackboards’ production in Russia, 2014-2015 39
Table 12. General profile information about Vital-PK, LLC 41
Table 13. General profile information about Rosmetall, LLC 42
Table 28. Evaluation of the volume and dynamics of sales of manufacturers of school blackboards, 2014-2016. 45
Table 29. Product range of Vital-PK, LLC 46
Table 30. Product range of Rosmetall, LLC 46
Table 31. Product range of DOK 17, JSC 46
Table 32. Product range of TD SVETOCH-PLUS 46
Table 33. Retail prices for products of Vital-PK, LLC 48
Table 34. Retail prices for products of Rosmetall, LLC 50
Table 35. Retail prices for products of TD SVETOCH-PLUS, LLC 52
Table 36. Retail prices for products of Poleks, LLC 52
Table 37. Retail prices for products of Tsentr Uchebnogo Oborudovaniya, LLC 55
Table 38. Retail prices for products of Wunderkind, LLC 59
Table 39. Retail prices for products of PK KD, LLC 63
Table 40. Retail prices for products of EMS, LLC 68
Table 41. Retail prices for products of Kvazar-Shkolnaya Mebel, LLC 68
Table 42. Retail prices for products of Manufacturing Enterprise AYRON, LLC 69
Table 43. Retail prices for products of PROMINVEST-M, LLC 70
Table 44. Retail prices for products of MAKSMEBEL, CJSC 71
Table 45. Retail prices for products of Mebelnye Technologii, LLC 73
Table 46. Retail prices for products of Rialtorg-Detyam, LLC 75
Methodological comments to the research
The present paper is a marketing research of school blackboards.
Research period – 2014-2016.
Research relevancy – April, 2017.
The subject of research
The subject of the research is a market of school blackboards in Russia.
The purpose of the research
The purpose of the research is to provide relevant information on producers and consumers of school blackboards in Russia.
Research methodology
The following methods of information gathering are supposed to be used in the research:
Analysis of open information sources – desk research (printed business and special purpose mass media, electronic business and specialized publications, marketing and news materials of the companies – market participants, analytical review press articles, the results of previous market researches in the concerned field, materials of industry-specific institutions and data of supervisory and control bodies of public authorities).
Interviews under legend with the producers and sellers or other methods of source information collection.
Data sources
Expert interviews with market participants;
Collection and analysis of state statistical data;
Customs data in Russia ;
Data base of completed tender procedures and auctions;
Mass media monitoring ;
Specialized data bases ;
Industry-specific statistics ;
Price-lists data collection and analysis;
Data of rating agencies ;
Searching through open and closed data sources including professional publications, websites of market participants, online media and other sources;
On-demand surveys in infrastructural institutions of the market under investigation (marketing agencies, expert service providers, individual experts, analytical companies and etc.).
General information on the Russian Federation
G eographic al location
The Russian Federation (RF) is a country with the largest area in the world, located in the north-eastern part of Eurasia and occupying about a third (31.5%) of its territory. Being located in two parts of the world – Europe and Asia, - Russia covers the eastern part of Europe and northern spaces of Asia, thus geographically having formed a Eurasian country.
Figure 1 . Russia on the world map
Source: http://russia-karta.ru
The border between these parts of the world within the territory of Russia lies across the Ural Mountains. Accordingly 1/5 of country’s area (about 22%) belongs to Europe. Usually when talking of the European part of Russia, one means the whole territory lying north to the Urals (about 23% of the area). Anyway over ¾ of the country accounts for the Asian part of Russia.
Total area of Russia is 17.1 million square kilometers. The maximum distance between western (excluding Kaliningrad Region) and eastern country’s boundaries comprises 9 ths. km., between northern and southern boundaries – 4 ths. km. The territory of Russia has a longer stretch from the west to the east, resulting in a significant time difference. Russia has 10 time zones. The country’s spread from the north to the south causes uneven heat supply to the surfaces and formation of three climatic zones within the territory of Russia (artic, subarctic and temperate) and ten natural zones: from artic deserts to temperate zone deserts.
Geographic location of Russia determines country’s key peculiarities of nature. Russia is a northern country, located in the most severe north-eastern part of the continent. 65% of the country territory is covered by permafrost area. 150 millions of state population are inhabitants of this northern territory.
The key distinctive feature of Russia’s geographical position is that its western, so called European part, with 4/5 of entire population is situated within Eastern Europe, while its eastern part, which extends widely beyond the Urals, forms North Asia so far. About 14% of the territory lies behind the Arctic Circle in the permafrost area, where a long (up to 60 days in some locations) polar nigh prevails.
As of January, 1 st , 2017 Russia’s population accounted for 146.8 million people. The Russian Federation ranks first in terms of its total area, is the ninth most populous country, and in terms of purchasing power parity GDP, calculated in US dollars, it ranks 9 th position in the world 1 .
Political situation
Russia is a legal successor of the former USSR and in this capacity it acts as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council and is present in the most important international organizations.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union a geopolitical environment of Russia has changed significantly. Sovereign states have been formed along the entire perimeter of Russia land borders from among the former Soviet republics. Presently most post-Soviet allied states have already joined EU and NATO, which makes a Russian geopolitical environment even more complicated.
Being a Eurasian country, Russia has broad opportunities of economic and political cooperation with foreign states of different geopolitical orientation. Global important communication lines are passed through its territory to ensure transport connections between west and east, north and south.
The Russian political structure is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted at the national referendum on December, 12 th , 1993. According to article 1 of the Constitution of RF: Russia is a democratic federal rule-of-law state with a republican form of government.
Since 1991 Russian political system has suffered revolutionary changes. Until 1991 Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic (RSFSR) was a part of USSR as one of the Soviet republics.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Russia sees a new period in the development of its political system: a presidency institution is being established, the parliament is being elected, political parties and other civil society institutions appear.
The adoption of the RF Constitution in the All-Russian referendum on December, 12 th , 1993 encouraged the creation of regulatory and legal framework required for new reforming stage of Russian political structure.
The definition of the Russian Federation as a democratic state reveals itself mainly in the statement that the only source of power is people, and besides in the statement that this power is being exercised by the people both directly and through public and local authorities.
According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation national citizens possess equal rights and enjoy broad rights and freedoms, including a right to participate in the management of state affairs. The Russian state has an established electivity of legislative bodies and local representative bodies, a number of managing executive officials - the President of the Russian Federation, heads of regional and local administrations, and etc.
The Russian Federation consists of 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 districts, 3 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous areas (totally in 2017 — 85 subjects).
Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol are cities with a federal status.
Along with federal state government bodies, exercising their powers thorough its entire territory, the Russian Federation has state government bodies of the corresponding subjects of the Russian Federation. They exercise overall government authorities on the entrusted territory within the scope of its powers. The subjects of the Russian Federation have its own legislation, their status is recognized not only in the federal law but in the constitutions of republics, statutes of territories, districts, areas, cities with federal status as well.
In the organization and activity of the state principles of law are prevailing. Rule-of-law state relies on the principle of recognition of inalienable (inherent) human right and liberties and imposition on the state an obligation to comply with and protect human rights and liberties. Judicial protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms is guaranteed.
Government power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. Legislative, executive and judicial bodies are independent bodies.
As specified by the Constitution, legislative power is exercised by the Federal Assembly at the nationwide level, executive power is administered by the Government, and judicial power - by federal courts (Constitutional Court, Supreme Court and Supreme Arbitration Court and other federal courts). The President of the Russian Federation does not belong to any of the three power types, and as stated in part two of Article 80 the President shall ensure coordinated functioning and interaction of all public authorities.
The Russian Federation recognizes ideological and political pluralism, which assumes a multi-party system
Economic situation
After a long period of persistence in the national economics an administrative command system Russia started a transition toward a market economy at the end of XX century. It was dictated by the needs to steer the country national economy from a protracted crisis.
The collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in essential geopolitical changes, an abolishment of existent economic relations led to severe crisis not only of the Russian economy but of the economies of the countries forming a part of the USSR.
The key point of market reforms in the economy of the Russian Federation was a drastic change in the ownership relations. All levels of business activities in the country were subject to the following profound qualitative shifts:
Large-scale privatization processes and property denationalization;
Corporization, i.e. formation of joint stock companies of various types;
Formation of middle-class owners;
All of this gives rise to the appearance in the Russian national economy active subdivisions of small, medium and large business, domestic and foreign business owners; it stimulates an increased degree of Russian national economics openness, its integration into the fully developed world economy management system.
Nowadays Russian mixed economy model is heavily rested upon the state participation in the formation of all economic sectors.
Over the last years the Russian economy has been observing GDP growth, except for year of 2009.
Diagram 1 . GDP in Russia, billion US dollars
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia
Russia is an important exporter of natural gas, oil and steel. Russia’s dependence on export of raw materials makes it vulnerable to global economic crisis and extremely unstable world prices for raw commodities.
Many types of mineral raw materials are extracted in Russia: oil and natural gas (West Siberia – main country base), coal, iron ore (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, deposits in the Urals, West Siberia and etc.). Earnings derived from raw material export commonly constitute a solid part of the country budget. Export and import dynamics is shown on the below diagram.
Diagram 2 . Export and import dynamics in the Russian Federation, billion US dollars
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia
Current economic situation (according to the results of year of 2016)
Year of 2016 … Such conclusion can be made on the basis of the data published by the Federal State Statistics Service in terms of social economic situation in the country following the results of year of 2016.
Diagram 3 . Social economic indicators in Russia according to the results of year of 2016
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia
In 2016 retail trade turnover continued to fall: …
Year of 2016 saw an increase of actual wages. The growth accounted for ...
While data illustrative of Russian citizens' well-being still show negative dynamics, for such macroeconomic indicators as industry and agriculture a growth is observed. Industrial production index, which fell by **% in 2015, ...
Agriculture has also seen a growth by ...
Administrati ve economic situation
.. .
Education system
General information
According to the Law of the Russian Federation on Education the education system in Russia is a continuous system of successive levels, each of which is characterized by operation of government, non-government, municipal institutions of various kinds and types. Current educational system in Russia is a federal and centralized.
The right to receive an education is one of the basic and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. The guarantees of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the sphere of education:
“ A possibility to receive education on the territory of Russia irrespective of race, nationality, language, gender, attitude toward religion, party membership, criminal record. Possible limitations on the rights of citizens to vocational training can be on the grounds of age, criminal record (age, state of health), gender, presence of previous education. All such limitations may be established only by law.
Each citizen of the Russian federation has a right to obtain free-of-charge general education and, on a competitive basis, to obtain free-of-charge vocational education in the state and municipal educational establishments.
For citizens with developmental abnormalities the state shall develop special conditions and special pedagogical methods in order to receive education and for correction of developmental abnormalities and social adaptation”. 2
The education system in the Russian Federation is based on the following principles:
Humanism (priority of common human values, human life and health concerns);
The unity under the conditions of multinational state;
Protection of national cultures, cultural traditions of Russians;
Public character of education - adaptability of educational system to the levels, developmental characteristics and acquired knowledge of the children;
Secular character of education in the state and municipal educational establishments;
Freedom of pluralism in education;
D emocratic nature of education .
According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation “basic general secondary education is obligatory. Parents or persons in loco parentis shall enable their children to receive a basic general education”. 3 Parents of minor children have a right to choose forms of education, educational institutions, to protect the rights and interests of a child. They can educate a child in the family.
The modern education system in Russia assumes several successive forms of learning depending on the circumstances of human busy conditions and needs:
In classrooms – full-time (intramural) education, part-time form (evening classes), off-campus education (extramural);
I ntrafamilial education ;
Self-education ;
E xternal studies.
The combination of mentioned education forms is possible.
Educational institutions
The Russian education system is a set of certain structures that cooperate with each other.
Federal standards and educational requirements determine the information component of educational programs. Two types of programs are implemented in the country - general educational and specialized programs, i.e. vocational training. Both program types are divided into main and auxiliary forms.
“ Federal state educational standards shall ensure:
unification of the educational system in the Russian Federation;
succession in principal educational programs of primary general education, basic general education, secondary general (full) education, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education and higher vocational education”. 4
Decision levels
Management of the education system in Russia is carried out on three levels:
[the information is presented in the full report]
Levels of education
According to the Law of the Russian Federation on Education the education system in Russia is a continuous system of successive levels, each of which is characterized by operation of government, non-government, municipal institutions of various kinds and types.
“ The following levels of education are distinguished in the Russian Federation:
pre-school education;
primary general education;
basic general education;
secondary general education.
Vocational education is divided into:
secondary vocational education ;
higher education — baccalaureate (bachelor’s degree);
higher education: the specialist’s and the master’s degree;
higher education: preparing highly-qualified staff”. 5
[the information is presented in the full report]
Infrastructure of educational system (educational establishments)
Educational activity shall be carried out by educational establishments and by some other structures and individual entrepreneurs. These establishments are divided into the following types:
pre-school educational establishments–public nurseries, preschools;
general educational establishments – primary school, progymnasium, school, gymnasium, national gymnasium, lyceum, teaching and educational complex, school with advanced study of subjects, profession-oriented school, Cadet school, Cadet corps, orphan boarding school;
vocational educational establishments - vocational school, vocational lyceum, college, technical school;
higher education establishments - institute, academy, university.
The following types of educational establishments are set in the Russian Federation, which implement additional educational programs:
additional educational programs – additional programs of general content, additional pre-professional programs;
additional professional programs – advanced training programs, retraining programs. Educational establishments can be government (established by the Russian Federation and its subjects), municipal and private.
[the information is presented in the full report]
Financing of educational system
[the information is presented in the full report]
State procurement system in education
[the information is presented in the full report]
Legislative regulation and state programs
[the information is presented in the full report]
General information on the supply system in the educational establishments in the Russian Federation in 2014-2016
Key features of analyzable market
Since the end of the 1980s there have been no centralized supplies of training equipment to Russian general education institutions from the federal budget resources due to the absence of funding. All available facilities in the classrooms have been purchased from the regional and local budget resources in extremely limited quantities and range. It has resulted in the formation of defers demand for training equipment, which with an increased funding of the education system and demand for personnel from the side of industry has stimulated market growth and long-term market potential. Economic growth has led to increased funding, establishment of state programs such as "Promoting the creation of new workplaces in general educational establishments in the subjects of the Russian Federation” (based on forecasted needs) for 2016-2025, "Development of education" for 2013-2020. Presently a classroom is designed according to general methodological principles; however, it can vary widely in terms of composition, features of separate items, in terms of quality and price.
Today training equipment sets do not comply in full with the requirements of state educational standards, and there is also a problem, which lies in lack of information from the side of customers on modern, new and renovated models of equipment.
Evaluation of market volumes and dynamics in 2014-2016
Total amount of financing allocated for program "Promoting the creation of new workplaces in general educational establishments in the subjects of the Russian Federation (based on forecasted needs)” for 2016-2025 shall comprise ... rubles, including: from the federal budget resources— ... rubles; from the funds of the subjects of the Russian Federation (local budgets) — ... rubles; from extra-budgetary resources — ... rubles.
According to estimates of industry experts market volume of supplies into educational establishments in 2016 accounted for approximately ... rubles, market growth as compared to 2015 has been about **%.
Diagram 4 . Dynamics of supply market volumes in the educational establishments of the Russian Federation , 2014-2015, mln. rubles.
Source: Interstate association of training equipment developers and manufacturers (MARPUT), Ministry of Education of Russia, data of industry experts , estimates of MegaResearch
Market capacity
According to data of the Ministry of Education of Russia nowadays … buildings of educational establishments are in emergency state and about … schools require repair. In view of this information a capacity of supply market for educational institutions is estimated by MegaResearch analysts to be at the level of ... rubles, which exceeds the market volume by … times.
Diagram 5 . The capacity of supply market for educational establishments in Russia
Source: Ministry of Education of Russia, data of industry experts, estimates of MegaResearch
Estimation of factors influencing the market
[the information is presented in the full report]
Evaluation of market structure in 2015. Analysis of changes in market structure
Structure as per major players
Supply market for educational establishments is found to be enough stable, largest players functioning on the market hold steady positions, therefore, there have been no any dramatic changes on the market during research period. The largest companies dealing with balanced supplies of required own-produced furniture to educational institutions are: …, …, …, …, OJSC “DEBUT” and others. In total these five companies hold a share in **% of the market.
Diagram 6 . The structure of supply market for educational establishments as per major players, 2016, % from value terms
Source: data of industry experts, Interstate association of training equipment developers and manufacturers (MARPUT), estimates of MegaResearch
Structure as per product types
The following main product types can be divided:
Equipment for vocational education – limited production articles for highly specialized areas, for example, in disciplines such as electrical engineering, strength of materials and others.
.. .
.. .
.. .
The largest purchase volume in 2016 was accounted for …
Table 1 . Procurement structure of training equipment as per product types in 2016
Source: Interstate association of training equipment developers and manufacturers (MARPUT), estimates of MegaResearch, data of industry experts
Analysis of foreign trade supplies on the market of school blackboards in Russia, 2014-2016
Import volumes and dynamics , 2014 -2016
Import volume of school blackboards to Russia in 2016 ... This indicator increased by **% in physical terms as compared to 2015. In contrast import volume in value terms saw a decrease by **%. Detailed data on school boards import dynamics in physical and value terms is shown in below table and diagrams.
Table 2. Import volume and dynamics of school blackboards , 2014-2016
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Q-ty, pcs.. |
Q-ty, pcs.. |
Import |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Import dynamics of school blackboard has shown a positive growth trend for three last research years, and in 2014 growth rate was **%, and in 2016 – **%.
Diagram 7 . Import dynamics of school blackboards in 2014-2016, Russia, in physical terms
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
A positive growth trend for school blackboards market volume in value terms was observed in 2015, such indicator increased by **%. Import volume in value terms saw a decrease by **% in value terms.
Diagram 8 . Import dynamics of school blackboards, 2014-2016, Russia, in value terms
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Import structure , 2015, 2016:
Structure as per producing countries
China and Poland have been the key countries producing school blackboards supplied to Russia for 2015 and 2016. Chinese and Polish school blackboards in total hold a share in **% from total import.
Table 3. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of producing countries , 2015
Country of production |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Share , % |
Cost , USD |
Share , % |
Total import volume |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
In 2015 … took the leading positions in the import structure in terms of producing country and held a share of **% from physical terms and **% from value terms. The share of … goods in physical terms increased up to **% in 2016, in contrast in value terms it reduced to **%.
An opposite situation was observed in terms of supplies volumes for school blackboard of Polish production, thus Polish goods share in physical terms in 2015 in the import structure accounted for …
Table 4. Import structure of school black boards in terms of producing countries, 2016
Country of production |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Share, % |
Cost, USD |
Share, % |
Poland |
Germany |
Sweden |
European Union |
Canada |
Czech Republic |
Netherlands |
Italy |
France |
Finland |
Great Britain |
Total import volume |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Diagram 9 . Import structure of school blackboards in terms of producing countries, 2016, % from physical terms
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Structure as per manufacturing companies
The following manufacturing companies producing school blackboards were key players of import supplies in 2015: ...
Table 5. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of manufacturing company , 2015
Manufacturing companies |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Share, % |
Cost, USD |
Share, % |
Others |
Total import volume |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
In 2016 industry front runners were the same companies …
Table 6. Import structure of school black boards in terms of manufacturing company, 2016
Manufacturing companies |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Share, % |
Cost, USD |
Share, % |
Others |
Total import volume |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Diagram 10 . Import structure of school blackboards in terms of manufacturing company, 2016, % from physical terms
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Structure as per acquiring company
Major acquiring companies of imported school boards in 2015 …
Table 7. Import structure of school blackboards in terms of acquiring companies , 2015
Acquiring companies |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Share, % |
Cost, USD |
Share, % |
Others |
Total import volume |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
The leading acquiring companies in the import structure in 2016 were also …
Table 8. Import structure of school black boards in terms of acquiring companies, 2016
Acquiring companies |
Q-ty, pcs. |
Share, % |
Cost, USD |
Share, % |
Others |
Total import volume |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Diagram 11 . Import structure of school blackboards in terms of acquiring companies, 2016, % from physical terms
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Unit import value
Unit import value for school blackboards in 2016 was …
Table 9. Dynamics of unit import value for school blackboard in Russia , 2014-2016
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
Unit import value, USD per a piece |
Dynamics , % |
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Diagram 12 . Dynamics of unit import value for school blackboard in Russia, 2014-2016
Source: Federal Customs Service of Russia, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
General information on school blacboards’ market in the Russian Federation. 2014-2016
Key features of analyzable market
Not so long ago all school blackboards for chalk writing were exclusively made of wood. They were covered with matt paint, more commonly with black or dark-brown. Such background provided a maximum contrast with notes made by chalk.
Nowadays school blackboard has a metal base, which makes it possible to work not only with chalk, but also to place auxiliary aids on magnets. Today not a single producer uses paint in its pure form for covering the working surface. Each company has designed for this purpose special compounds, which are subject to strict requirements for resistance to chemical and mechanical stress. A special formula ensures a long service life of the surface. The most popular products are made of metal with varnish coating. This combination is found in both domestic and imported goods. An optimal ratio of price, quality and operating period propelled the blackboards with varnish coating to the top.
Evaluation of market volume and dynamics, 2014-2016
According to the estimates of industry experts the volume of school blackboards’ market comprised in 2015 about …
Table 10. Market volume dynamics for school blackboards’ market in Russia , 2014-2016
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
Market volume , pcs. |
Dynamics , % |
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Diagram 13 . Market volume dynamics for school blackboards’ market in Russia, 2014-2016
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Market capacity
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets during All-Russian real-time cabinet meeting stated that nowadays in Russia about …
Diagram 14 . The capacity of school blackboards’ market in Russia
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Estimation of factors influencing the market
The main factors influencing the market are:
US dollar exchange rate. Upon currency exchange rate growth the cost of raw materials increases, which consequently results in increased cost of the final product;
Current market trends
Currently the following trends can be distinguished on the market:
Small reduction in the volumes of Russian production in value terms, which was caused by increased currency exchange rate and by degradation of overall economic situation in Russia.;
Evaluation of market structure, 2015. Analysis of changes in the market structure:
Structure as per major players
The largest players on the school blackboards’ market hold steady positions, from this side there have been no any dramatic changes on the market during research period. Special attention of the industry experts was drawn by the fact that the market observed an increased share of low-quality products and appearance of unfair small producers/workshops which use steel sheets of inferior performance for the production of blackboards.
The largest market players in 2015 were …
Diagram 15 . The structure of school blackboards’ market in terms of main market players, 2015, % from physical terms
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Structure as per products types
Major volume in the market structure in terms of product types is occupied by office blackboards with a share of **%, a share of blackboards for educational establishments comprised **%.
Diagram 16 . Market structure as per products types, 2015, % from natural terms
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Structure as per coating types for products
Recently there has been less and less demand for chalkboard for classrooms, it has been replaced by marker boards, which are more easy-friendly and advanced. According to the estimates of MegaResearch analysts …
Diagram 17 . The structure of school blackboards’ market in terms of coating type, 2015
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Federal Customs Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Production analysis on the school blackboards’ market in Russia, 2014-2016
Production volumes and dynamics , 2014-2016
According to the estimates of industry experts overall Russian production of school blackboards was about …
Table 11. The dynamics of school blackboards’ production in Russia, 2014-2015
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
Volumes of Russian production, pcs. |
Dynamics, % |
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Diagram 18 . The dynamics of school blackboards’ production in Russia, 2014-2015
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, data of market participants, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Production structure , 2015
Structure as per all producers
The largest producers of school blackboards in Russia are …
Diagram 19 . The structure of Russian blackboards’ production in terms of producers, 2015, % from physical terms
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, data of market participants, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Structure as per consumption segments
The largest production volume of school blackboards in Russia was taken by the enterprises who required it for own offices decoration, it accounted for …
Diagram 20 . The structure of Russian blackboards’ production in terms of consumption segments, 2015, % from physical terms
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, estimates of industry experts, data of market participants, estimates and calculations of MegaResearch
Competitive analysis of the market of school blackboards in the Russian Federation, 2014-2016
Competitive analysis : manufacturers
The largest manufacturers of school blackboards in Russia are …
Diagram 21 . The structure of Russian production of school blackboards by main groups of manufacturers, 2015, % by volume
Source: expert evaluation of the industry, data of market participants, assessment and calculations by MegaResearch
Evaluation of the level of competition in the market
[the information is presented in the full report]
All players represented on the market:
Company profile
Vital-PK, LLC
Table 12. General profile information about Vital-PK, LLC
Logo |
Website |
http://www.pkvital.ru/ |
Address |
4 Savelkinsky Proezd, 17th floor, Zelenograd, Moscow |
Contacts |
Telephone: (495) 921-22-88 (multi-line) E-mail: info@vital.ru |
Description of the company’s activity |
… |
Description of manufactured school blackboards |
… |
Sales revenue, 2015, thousand rubles |
… |
Source: official website of the company, Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation
Rosmetall, LLC
Table 13. General profile information about Rosmetall, LLC
Logo |
Website |
http://www.rosmet.com |
Address |
125 B Moskovskoe Shosse, Samara |
Contacts |
Telephone/fax: (846) 2-777-555 Email: info@rosmet.com |
Description of the company’s activity |
… |
Description of manufactured school blackboards |
… |
Sales revenue, 2015, thousand rubles |
… |
Source: official website of the company, Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation
[the information is presented in the full report]
[the information is presented in the full report]
Evaluation of the volume and dynamics of sales, 2014-2016
The table below provides an evaluation of the dynamics of sales of school blackboards by the considered manufacturers.
Table 14. Evaluation of the volume and dynamics of sales of manufacturers of school black boards, 2014-2016.
Company name |
Sales volume 6 , 2014, thousand rubles |
Sales volume, 2015, thousand rubles |
Dynamics, % |
Sales volume, 2016, thousand rubles |
Dynamics , % |
DOK 17, JSC |
Vital-PK, LLC |
Rosmetall, LLC |
Kvazar-Shkolnaya Mebel, LLC |
Mebelnye Technologii, LLC |
Tsentr Uchebnogo Oborudovaniya, LLC |
Rialtorg-Detyam, LLC |
Manufacturing Enterprise AYRON, LLC |
Wunderkind, LLC |
Kompaniya Tsentr Komplektatsii, LLC |
Poleks, LLC |
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, official data of the companies, opinions of industry experts, assessment and calculations by MegaResearch
Range of products sold
Table 15. Product range of Vital-PK, LLC
Product name |
Product characteristics |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 16. Product range of Rosmetall, LLC
Product name |
Product characteristics |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 17. Product range of DOK 17, JSC
Product name |
Product characteristics |
Magnetic chalk blackboards |
Rotating blackboards |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 18. Product range of TD SVETOCH-PLUS
Product name |
Product characteristics |
Wall-mounted single-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk |
Wall-mounted single-unit school blackboard for writing with a felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted single-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk, ruled |
Source: the official website of the company
[the information is presented in the full report]
Channels for the sale of finished products
[the information is presented in the full report]
Analysis of current producer prices (wholesale and retail prices)
The tables below show the prices of the main producers of school blackboards. The price lists for products of DOK-17, JSC and Kompaniya Tsentr Komplektatsii, LLC are under development (price update).
Table 19. Retail prices for products of Vital-PK, LLC
Product name |
Size |
Price, rubles VAT included 7 |
Magnetic school blackboards |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -11 М |
100*75 chalk |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -11 Ф |
100*75 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -12 М |
150*100 chalk |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -12 Ф |
150*100 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -14 М |
170*100 chalk |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -14 Ф |
170*100 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -22 М ( л ) |
225*100 chalk left |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -22 М ( п ) |
225*100 chalk right |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -22 Ф ( л ) |
225*100 felt-tip pen left |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -22 Ф ( п ) |
225*100 felt-tip pen right |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -24 М ( л ) |
255*100 chalk left |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -24 М ( п ) |
255*100 chalk right |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -24 Ф ( л ) |
255*100 felt-tip pen left |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -24 Ф ( п ) |
255*100 felt-tip pen right |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -31 М |
200*75 chalk |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -31 Ф |
200*75 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -31 К |
200*75 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -32 М |
300*100 chalk |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -32 Ф |
300*100 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -32 К |
300*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -34 М |
340*100 chalk |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -34 Ф |
340*100 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -34 К |
340*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -52 М |
300*100 chalk |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -52 Ф |
300*100 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -52 К |
300*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -54 М |
340*100 chalk |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -54 Ф |
340*100 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -54 К |
340*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -11 з |
75*100 chalk |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -11 б |
75*100 felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -11 к |
75*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -12 з |
150*100 chalk |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -12 б |
150*100 felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -12 к |
150*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Non-magnetic school blackboards |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -13 М |
160*120 chalk |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -13 Ф |
160*120 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -15 М |
240*120 chalk |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -15 Ф |
240*120 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -33 М |
320*120 chalk |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -33 Ф |
320*120 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -33 К |
320*120 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -53 М |
320*120 chalk |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -53 Ф |
320*120 felt-tip pen |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -53 К |
320*120 chalk/ felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating non-magnetic blackboard ДП -11 з |
75*100 chalk |
Mobile rotating non-magnetic blackboard ДП -11 б |
75*100 felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating non-magnetic blackboard ДП -11 к |
75*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating non-magnetic blackboard ДП -12 з |
150*100 chalk |
Mobile rotating non-magnetic blackboard ДП -12 б |
150*100 felt-tip pen |
Mobile rotating non-magnetic blackboard ДП -12 к |
150*100 chalk / felt-tip pen |
Bulletin boards and demonstration stands |
Bulletin board ДО-75 |
75*50 ( natural cork ) |
Bulletin board ДО-106 |
100*60 ( natural cork ) |
Bulletin board ДО-1210 |
120*100 ( natural cork ) |
Bulletin board ДОТ-106 |
100*60 ( fabric ) |
Bulletin board ДОТ-1210 |
120*100 ( fabric ) |
Bulletin board ДОТ-1510 |
150*100 ( fabric ) |
Lined blackboards |
Classroom blackboard ДК 11 Э 1510 Н |
150*100 ( musical staff ) |
3-unit classroom blackboard ДК 32 Э 3010 КЛ |
300*100 ( checked , ruled ) |
Source: the official website of the company
Wholesale buyers are offered the following discounts:
for orders from 100 000 rubles – 1%;
for orders from 500 000 rubles – 3%;
for orders from 1 000 000 rubles – 5%.
Table 20. Retail prices for products of Rosmetall, LLC
Article |
Note |
Dimensions |
Price, rubles 8 |
1-unit wall-mounted blackboards |
ДК 11 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
1000x750x20 |
ДК 12 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
1500x1000x20 |
ДК 14 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
1700x1000x20 |
ДК 15 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
2000x1000x20 |
ДК 16 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
2000x1200x20 |
ДК 17 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3000x1000x20 |
ДК 18 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3000x1200x20 |
ДК 11 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
1000x750x20 |
ДК 12 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
1500x1000x20 |
ДК 14 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
1700x1000x20 |
ДК 15 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
2000x1000x20 |
ДК 17 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
3000x1000x20 |
2-unit wall-mounted blackboards |
ДК 22 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
2250x1000x10 |
ДК 22 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
2250x1000x10 |
ДК 22 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
2250x1000x10 |
3-unit wall-mounted blackboards |
ДК 30 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
2000x750x10 |
ДК 32 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3000x1000x10 |
ДК 33 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3000x1000x20 |
ДК 34 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3400x1000x10 |
ДК 35 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3400x1000x20 |
ДК 32 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
3000x1000x10 |
ДК 33 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
3000x1000x20 |
ДК 34 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
3400x1000x10 |
ДК 35 б |
frame: gray, felt-tip pen |
3400x1000x20 |
ДК 30 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
2000x750x10 |
ДК 32 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
3000x1000x10 |
ДК 33 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
3000x1000x20 |
ДК 34 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
3400x1000x10 |
ДК 35 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
3400x1000x20 |
5-unit wall-mounted blackboards |
ДК 53 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3000x1000x10 |
ДК 55 з |
frame: gray, chalk |
3400x1000x10 |
ДК 53 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
3000x1000x10 |
ДК 55 к |
frame: gray, chalk, felt-tip pen |
3400x1000x10 |
Mobile rotating blackboards |
ДП 12 з |
chalk, rotating , frame: gray |
1500x1000x20 |
ДП 12 к |
chalk, felt-tip pen , rotating, frame: gray |
1500x1000x20 |
ДП 12 б |
флом, rotating , frame: gray |
1500x1000x20 |
ДП 11 з |
chalk, rotating , frame: gray |
750x1000x20 |
ДП 11 к |
chalk, felt-tip pen , rotating, frame: gray |
750x1000x20 |
ДП 11 б |
felt-tip pen , rotating, frame: gray |
750x1000x20 |
Mobile rotating blackboards |
ДК 12 Н |
lined surface: musical staff, frame: gray |
1500x1000x20 |
ДК 12 К |
lined surface: checked, frame: gray |
1500x1000x20 |
ДК 12 Л |
lined surface: ruled, frame: gray |
1500x1000x20 |
ДК 32 Р |
lined surface: checked - ruled (Belgium), frame: gray |
3000x1000x10 |
ДК 33 Р |
lined surface: checked - ruled (Belgium), frame: gray |
3000x1000x20 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 21. Retail prices for products of TD SVETOCH-PLUS, LLC
Article |
Characteristics |
Dimensions |
Price, rubles VAT included |
ДА-11 (з) |
Wall-mounted single-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk. Green color |
1012х750 mm |
ДА-11 (б) |
Wall-mounted single-unit school blackboard for writing with a felt-tip pen . White color. |
1012х750 mm |
ДА-11 |
Wall-mounted single-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk, lined. Green color. Ruled, checked |
1012х750 mm |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 22. Retail prices for products of Poleks, LLC
Article |
Description |
Size |
Price, rubles VAT included |
1 - unit blackboards with one working surface |
010101МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
750х500 |
010102МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1000х750 |
010103МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1000х850 |
010104МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1200х1000 |
010105МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1500х1000 |
010106МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1500х1200 |
010107МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1700х1000 |
010108МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1800х1200 |
010109МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
2000х1000 |
0101010МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for chalk |
2000х1200 |
010101МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
750х500 |
010102МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1000х750 |
010103МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1000х850 |
010104МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1200х1000 |
010105МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1500х1000 |
010106МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1500х1200 |
010107МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1700х1000 |
010108МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1800х1200 |
010109МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2000х1000 |
0101010МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2000х1200 |
010101НС |
Magnetic wall-mounted 1-unit musical staff blackboard ДО |
1500х1000 |
Magnetic 3 - unit blackboards with three working surfaces |
010201МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for chalk |
2250х1000 |
010201 МЛ+ МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted combined 2-unit blackboard |
2250х1000 |
010201МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2250х1000 |
010202МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for chalk |
2550 х1000 |
010202МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2550 х1000 |
010202 МЛ+ МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted combined 2-unit blackboard |
2550 х1000 |
Magnetic 3 - unit blackboards with five working surfaces |
010301МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
2000х750 |
010302МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
2000х850 |
010303МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
2400х1000 |
010204МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
3000х1000 |
010305МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
3000х1200 |
010306МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
3400х1000 |
010307МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
3600х1200 |
010308МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
4000х1000 |
010309МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for chalk |
4000х1200 |
010301МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2000х750 |
010302МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2000х850 |
010303МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2400х1000 |
010304МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3000х1000 |
010305МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3000х1200 |
010306МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3400х1000 |
010307МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3600х1200 |
010308МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
4000х1000 |
010309МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
4000х1200 |
010301МЛ+ МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted combined 3-unit blackboard |
2000х750 |
2000х850 |
2400х1000 |
3000х1000 |
3000х1200 |
3400х1000 |
3600х1200 |
4000х1000 |
4000х1200 |
0103010МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted lined 3-unit blackboard |
3000х1000 |
Magnetic 5 - unit blackboards with 7 working surfaces |
010501МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for chalk |
3000х1000 |
010502МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for chalk |
3400х1000 |
010503МЛ |
Magnetic wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for chalk |
4000х1000 |
010501МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3000х1000 |
010502МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3400х1000 |
010503МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
4000х1000 |
010501МЛ+МР |
Magnetic wall-mounted combined 5-unit blackboard |
3000х1000 |
3400х1000 |
4000х1000 |
Mobile rotating magnetic blackboards with 2 working surfaces |
010601МЛ |
Rotating magnetic blackboard for chalk |
1000х750 |
010602МЛ |
Rotating magnetic blackboard for chalk |
1500х1000 |
010601МР |
Rotating magnetic blackboard for chalk |
1000х750 |
010602МР |
Rotating magnetic blackboard for felt-tip pen |
1500х1000 |
010601МЛ+ МР |
Rotating magnetic combined blackboard |
1000х750 |
Bulletin boards |
010501ИП |
Wall - mounted 1- unit cork |
1000х600 |
010502ИП |
Wall - mounted 1- unit cork |
1000х750 |
010503ИП |
Wall - mounted 1- unit cork |
1200х1000 |
010504ИП |
Wall - mounted 1- unit cork |
1500х1000 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 23. Retail prices for products of Tsentr Uchebnogo Oborudovaniya, LLC
No. |
Product name |
Size , cm |
Surface color |
Series |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Magnetic wall-mounted single-unit blackboards with 1 working surface |
2.01. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-10з |
75х50 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.02. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-10б |
75х50 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.03. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-11з |
100х75 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.04. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-11б |
100х75 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.05. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-12з |
150х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.06. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-12б |
150х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.07. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-13з |
100х85 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.08. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-13б |
100х85 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.09. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-14з |
170х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.10. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-14б |
170х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.11. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-22з |
225х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.12. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-22к |
225х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.13. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-22б |
225х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.14. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-24з |
255х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.15. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-24к |
255х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.16. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-24б |
255х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
Magnetic wall-mounted three-unit blackboards with 5 working surfaces |
2.17. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-31з |
200х75 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.18. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-31к |
200х75 |
Combi |
Class |
2.19. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-31кп |
200х75 |
Combi |
Class |
2.20. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-31б |
200х75 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.21. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-32з |
300х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.22. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-32к |
300х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.23. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-32кп |
300х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.24. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-32б |
300х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.25. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-33з |
200х85 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.26. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-33к |
200х85 |
Combi |
Class |
2.27. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-33кп |
200х85 |
Combi |
Class |
2.28. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-33б |
200х85 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.29. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-34з |
340х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.30. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-34к |
340х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.31. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-34кп |
340х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.32. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-34б |
340х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
Magnetic wall-mounted five-unit blackboards with 7 working surfaces |
2.33. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-52з |
300х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.34. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-52к |
300х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.35. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-52б |
300х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.36. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-54з |
340х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.37. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-54к |
340х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.38. |
Classroom blackboard ДК-54б |
340х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
Mobile rotating double-sided blackboards (on metal stands) |
2.39. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-21Ез |
100х75 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.40. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-21Ек |
100х75 |
Combi |
Class |
2.41. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-21Екп |
100х75 |
Combi |
Class |
2.42. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-21Еб |
100х75 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.43. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-22Ез |
150х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.44. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-22Ек |
150х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.45. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-22Екп |
150х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.46. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-22Еб |
150х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
2.47. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-24Ез |
170х100 |
Dark green |
Class |
2.48. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-24Ек |
170х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.49. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-24Екп |
170х100 |
Combi |
Class |
2.50. |
Rotating blackboard ПК-24Еб |
170х100 |
White gloss |
Class |
Magnetic wall-mounted single-unit blackboards with 1 working surface |
1.01. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-10з |
75х50 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.02. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-10б |
75х50 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.03. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-11з |
100х75 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.04. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-11б |
100х75 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.05. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-12з |
150х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.06. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-12б |
150х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.07. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-13з |
100х85 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.08. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-13б |
100х85 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.09. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-14з |
170х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.10. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-14б |
170х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.11. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-15з |
200х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.12. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-15б |
200х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.13. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-16з |
120х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.14. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-16б |
120х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.15. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-17з |
150х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.16. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-17б |
150х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.17. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-18з |
180х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.18. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-18б |
180х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.19. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-19з |
200х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.20. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-19б |
200х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.21. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-102Ез |
250х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.22. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-102Еб |
250х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.23. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-103Ез |
300х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.24. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-103Еб |
300х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.25. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-104Ез |
340х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.26. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-104Еб |
340х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.27. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-122Ез |
250х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.28. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-122Еб |
250х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.29. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-123Ез |
300х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.30. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-123Еб |
300х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.31. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-124Ез |
340х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.32. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-124Еб |
340х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
Magnetic wall-mounted double-unit blackboards with 3 working surfaces |
1.33. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-22з |
225х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.34. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-22к |
225х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.35. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-22б |
225х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.36. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-24з |
255х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.37. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-24к |
255х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.38. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-24б |
255х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
Magnetic wall-mounted three-unit blackboards with 5 working surfaces |
1.39. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-31з |
200х75 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.40. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-31к |
200х75 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.41. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-31б |
200х75 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.42. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-32з |
300х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.43. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-32к |
300х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.44. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-32б |
300х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.45. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-33з |
200х85 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.46. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-33к |
200х85 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.47. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-33б |
200х85 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.48. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-34з |
340х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.49. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-34к |
340х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.50. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-34б |
340х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.51. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-35з |
400х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.52. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-35к |
400х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.53. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-35б |
400х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.54. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-36з |
240х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.55. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-36к |
240х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.56. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-36б |
240х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.57. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-37з |
300х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.58. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-37к |
300х120 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.59. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-37б |
300х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.60. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-38з |
360х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.61. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-38к |
360х120 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.62. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-38б |
360х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.63. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-39з |
400х120 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.64. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-39к |
400х120 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.65. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-39б |
400х120 |
White gloss |
Optima |
Magnetic wall-mounted five-unit blackboards with 7 working surfaces |
1.66. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-52з |
300х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.67. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-52к |
300х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.68. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-52б |
300х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.69. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-54з |
340х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.70. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-54к |
340х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.71. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-54б |
340х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.72. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-55з |
400х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.73. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-55к |
400х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.74. |
Classroom blackboard ДО-55б |
400х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
Mobile rotating double-sided blackboards (on metal stands) |
1.75. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-21Ез |
100х75 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.76. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-21Ек |
100х75 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.77. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-21Еб |
100х75 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.78. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-22Ез |
150х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.79. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-22Ек |
150х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.80. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-22Еб |
150х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
1.81. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-24Ез |
170х100 |
Dark green |
Optima |
1.82. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-24Ек |
170х100 |
Combi |
Optima |
1.83. |
Rotating blackboard ПО-24Еб |
170х100 |
White gloss |
Optima |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 24. Retail prices for products of Wunderkind, LLC
Product name |
Blackboard surface |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Classroom blackboard 750 х 500 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1000 х 750 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1500 х 1000 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 900 х 600 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1700 х 1000 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1200 х 1000 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1500 х 1200 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1800 х 1200 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2000 х 1000 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2000 х 1200 mm for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2250 х 1000 for chalk, 2-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2550 х 1000 for chalk , 2-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3000 х 1000 for chalk, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2000 х 750 for chalk, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3400 х 1000 for chalk , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 4000 х 1000 for chalk, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 4000 х 1200 for chalk , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3600 х 1200 for chalk, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3000 х 1000 for chalk , 5-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3400 х 1000 for chalk, 5-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 750 х 500 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1000 х 750 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1500 х 1000 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 900 х 600 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1700 х 1000 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1200 х 1000 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1500 х 1200 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 1800 х 1200 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2000 х 1000 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2000 х 1200 mm for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2250 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen, 2-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2550 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen, 2-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3000 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 2000 х 750 for a felt-tip pen, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3400 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 4000 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 4000 х 1200 for a felt-tip pen , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3800 х 1200 for a felt-tip pen , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3000 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen, 5-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Classroom blackboard 3400 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen, 5-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 2250 х 1000, 2-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 2550 х 1000 , 2-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 2000 х 750 , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 3400 х 1000, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 4000 х 1000, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 4000 х 1200, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 3800 х 1200, 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 3000 х 1000 , 3-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 3000 х 1000, 5-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined classroom blackboard 3400 х 1000 , 5-unit |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Rotating classroom blackboard 1000 х 750 for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Rotating classroom blackboard 1000 х 750 for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined rotating classroom blackboard 1000 х 750 |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Rotating classroom blackboard 1500 х 1000 for chalk |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Rotating classroom blackboard 1500 х 1000 for a felt-tip pen |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Combined rotating classroom blackboard 1500 х 1000 |
Steel sheet covered with a durable polymer coating with a protective film |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 25. Retail prices for products of PK KD, LLC
Product name |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 60 х 50 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 60 х 50 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 60 х 90 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 60 х 90 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 60 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 60 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 75 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 75 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 75 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 75 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 90 х 120 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 90 х 120 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 120 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 120 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 150 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 150 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 120 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 150 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 120 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 170 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 170 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 150 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 180 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 180 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 150 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 150 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 170 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 170 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 200 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 200 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 120 х 150 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 180 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 180 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 120 х 150 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit blackboard 120 х 170 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 250 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 250 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 200 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 200 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 200 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 120 х 170 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit blackboard 100 х 200 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 240 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 240 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 120 х 200 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 300 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 300 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 250 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 250 - metal shape |
Single-unit blackboard 120 х 200 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 350 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 350 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 150 х 170 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 150 х 170 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 400 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 400 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 300 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 300 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 150 х 200 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 150 х 200 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 350 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 350 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 150 х 220 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 150 х 220 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 400 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 400 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 500 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 500 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 150 х 250 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 150 х 250 - aluminum shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 600 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 600 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 500 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 500 - metal shape |
Single-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 600 - metal shape |
Single-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 600 - metal shape |
Combined double-unit blackboard 100 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Combined double-unit blackboard 100 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Combined double-unit blackboard 100 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Combined double-unit blackboard 100 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Combined double-unit blackboard 120 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Combined double-unit blackboard 120 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 225 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Combined double-unit blackboard 120 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Combined double-unit blackboard 120 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the left |
Double-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 255 - metal shape leaf on the right |
Combined three-unit blackboard 75 х 200 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 75 х 200 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 75 х 200 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 100 х 200 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 200 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 200 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 100 х 300 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 300 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 300 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 100 х 340 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 340 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 340 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 100 х 350 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 350 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 350 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 120 х 300 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 300 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 300 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 120 х 340 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 340 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 340 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 100 х 400 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 400 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 400 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 120 х 350 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 350 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 350 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 120 х 400 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 400 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 400 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 100 х 500 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 500 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 500 - metal shape |
Combined three-unit blackboard 120 х 500 - metal shape |
Three-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 500 - metal shape |
Three-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 500 - metal shape |
Combined five-unit blackboard 100 х 300 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 300 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 300 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 100 х 340 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 340 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 340 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 100 х 350 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 350 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 350 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 120 х 300 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 300 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 300 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 120 х 340 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 340 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 340 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 100 х 400 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 400 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 400 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 120 х 350 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 350 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 350 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 100 х 500 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 100 х 500 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 100 х 500 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 120 х 400 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 400 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 400 |
Combined five-unit blackboard 120 х 500 |
Five-unit dry-erase blackboard 120 х 500 |
Five-unit chalk blackboard 120 х 500 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 26. Retail prices for products of EMS, LLC
Product name |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Classroom blackboard ДА -12 з (1500 х 1000, single-unit, green) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -14 з (1700 х 1000, single-unit, green) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -20 з (2000 х 1000, single-unit, green) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -12 б (1500 х 1000 single-unit, white) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -14 б (1700 х 1000, single-unit, white) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -32 з (3000 х 1000, 3-unit, green) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -32 к (3000 х 1000, 3-unit, combined) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -52 з (3000 х 1000, 5-unit, green) |
Classroom blackboard ДА -52 к (3000 х 1000, 5-unit, combined) |
Classroom blackboard ДП -12 з (1500 х 1000, rotating (floor-standing), green) |
Classroom blackboard ДП -12 к (1500 х 1000, rotating (floor-standing), combined) |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 27. Retail prices for products of Kvazar-Shkolnaya Mebel, LLC
Article |
Product name |
Dimensions |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Single-unit (one working surface) |
ДК 11 б |
1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1000х750 |
ДК 11 з |
1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1000х750 |
ДК 12 б |
1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1500х1000 |
ДК 12 з |
1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1500х1000 |
ДК 14 б |
1-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1700х1000 |
ДК 14 з |
1-unit blackboard for chalk |
1700х1000 |
Double-unit (three working surfaces) |
ДК 22 б |
2-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
2250х1000 |
ДК 22 з |
2-unit blackboard for chalk |
2250х1000 |
ДК 22 к |
2-unit blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
2250х1000 |
Three-unit (five working surfaces) |
ДК 33 б |
3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3000х1000 |
ДК 33 з |
3-unit blackboard for chalk |
3000х1000 |
ДК 33 к |
3-unit blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
3000х1000 |
ДК 35 б |
3-unit blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
3400х1000 |
ДК 35 з |
3-unit blackboard for chalk |
3400х1000 |
ДК 35 к |
3-unit blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
3400х1000 |
Five-unit (seven working surfaces) |
ДК 53 з |
5-unit blackboard for chalk |
3000х1000 |
ДК 53 к |
5-unit blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
3000х1000 |
ДК 55 з |
5-unit blackboard for chalk |
3400х1000 |
ДК 55 к |
5-unit blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
3400х1000 |
Lined blackboards |
ДК 12 н |
Musical staff for chalk |
1500х1000 |
ДК 33 р |
Checked – ruled for chalk |
3000х1000 |
Rotating ( two working surfaces ) |
ДП 11 б |
Rotating blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1000х750 |
ДП 11 з |
Rotating blackboard for chalk |
1000х750 |
ДП 11 к |
Rotating blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
1000х750 |
Mobile rotating (two working surfaces) |
ДП 12 б |
Mobile rotating blackboard for a felt-tip pen |
1500х1000 |
ДП 12 з |
Mobile rotating blackboard for chalk |
1500х1000 |
ДП 12 к |
Mobile rotating blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen |
1500х1000 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 28. Retail prices for products of Manufacturing Enterprise AYRON, LLC
Name |
Size |
Price, rubles VAT included |
green |
white |
Plain blackboard, wall-mounted, one working surface Д -1 |
500*700 |
700*1000 |
1000*1500 |
1000*1700 |
Plain blackboard, wall-mounted, lined according to the following patterns: “musical staff”, “ruled”, one working surface Д -2 |
750*1000 |
1000*1500 |
1000*1700 |
Plain blackboard, wall-mounted, one working surface, lined according to the pattern “checked”, Д -4 |
750*1000 |
1000*1500 |
1000*1700 |
Multileaf blackboard, wall-mounted, 5 working surfaces Д -5 |
1000*3000 |
1000*3400 |
Multileaf blackboard, wall-mounted, 5 working surfaces Д -5 |
1000*3000 |
1000*3400 |
Multileaf blackboard, wall-mounted, 5 working surfaces Д -6. The front side of the leaves is lined according to the following patterns: checked, ruled. |
1000*3000 |
1000*3400 |
Legged swivel blackboard, 2 working surfaces Д -10 |
700*1000 |
1000*1500 |
Legged swivel blackboard, 2 working surfaces Д -10 |
700*1000 |
1000*1500 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 29. Retail prices for products of PROMINVEST-M, LLC
Name |
Article |
Wholesale (from 5 units), rubles VAT included |
Retail (up to 5 units), rubles VAT included |
Single-unit green blackboard for chalk 750*500 mm |
ШД-01 |
Single-unit white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 750*500 mm |
ШД-02 |
Single-unit green blackboard for chalk 1000*750 mm |
ШД-03 |
Single-unit white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 1000*750 mm |
ШД-04 |
Single-unit green blackboard for chalk 1500*1000 mm |
ШД-05 |
Single-unit white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 1500*1000 mm |
ШД-06 |
Double-unit green blackboard for chalk 2250*1000 mm |
ШД-07 |
Double-unit white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 2250*1000 mm |
ШД-08 |
Double-unit combined blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen 2250*1000 mm |
ШД-09 |
Double-unit combined blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen 2250*1000 mm |
ШД-10 |
Three-unit green blackboard for chalk 3000*1000 mm |
ШД-11 |
Three-unit white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 3000*1000 mm |
ШД-12 |
Three-unit combined blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen 3000*1000 mm |
ШД-13 |
Three-unit combined blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen 3000*1000 mm |
ШД-14 |
Rotating green blackboard for chalk 1000*750 mm |
ШД-15 |
Rotating white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 1000*750 mm |
ШД-16 |
Rotating combined blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen 1000*750 mm |
ШД-17 |
Rotating green blackboard for chalk 1500*1000 mm |
ШД-18 |
Rotating white blackboard for a felt-tip pen 1500*1000 mm |
ШД-19 |
Rotating combined blackboard for chalk and a felt-tip pen 1500*1000 mm |
ШД-20 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 30. Retail prices for products of MAKSMEBEL, CJSC
Product name |
Size |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -11 М |
75 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -11 Ф |
75 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -12 М |
150 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -12 Ф |
150 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -14 М |
170 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДН -14 Ф |
170 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -15 з |
200 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -15 б |
200 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -16 з |
200 х 120 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -16 б |
200 х 120 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -17 з |
300 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -17 б |
300 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -18 з |
300 х 120 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 1-unit blackboard ДК -18 б |
300 х 120 (felt-tip pen) |
2-UNIT BLACKBOARDS - magnetic (three working surfaces) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДК -22 з (left / right) |
225 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДК -22 б (left / right) |
225 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДК -22 к (left / right) |
225 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -24 М (left / right) |
255 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard ДН -24 Ф (left / right) |
255 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
3-UNIT BLACKBOARDS - magnetic (five working surfaces) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -31 М |
200 х 75 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -31 Ф |
200 х 75 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -31 К |
200 х 75 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -32 М |
300 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -32 Ф |
300 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -32 К |
300 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -34 М |
340 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -34 Ф |
340 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 3-unit blackboard ДН -34 К |
340 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
5-UNIT BLACKBOARDS - magnetic (seven working surfaces) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -52 М |
300 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -52 Ф |
300 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -52 К |
300 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -54 М |
340 х 100 (chalk) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -54 Ф |
340 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard ДН -54 К |
340 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Classroom blackboard ДК 11 Э 1510 Н |
150 х 100 ( musical staff ) |
3-unit classroom blackboard ДК 32 Э 3010 КЛ |
300 х 100 ( checked , ruled ) |
MOBILE ROTATING BLACKBOARDS - magnetic (color of the metal frame: brown, gray) |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -11 з |
75 х 100 (chalk) |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -11 б |
75 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -11 к |
75 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -12 з |
150 х 100 (chalk) |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -12 б |
150 х 100 (felt-tip pen) |
Mobile rotating blackboard ДП -12 к |
150 х 100 (chalk / felt-tip pen) |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 31. Retail prices for products of Mebelnye Technologii, LLC
Article |
Size |
Surface color |
No . of surfaces |
Working surface ( m 2) |
Price , rubles VAT included |
Three-unit school blackboards |
ДА-31з |
2000х750 mm |
green |
5 |
2,25 |
ДА-31б |
2000х750 mm |
white |
5 |
2,25 |
ДА-31к |
2000х750 mm |
combi |
5 |
2,25 |
ДА-32з |
3000х1000 mm |
green |
5 |
4,5 |
ДА-32б |
3000х1000 mm |
white |
5 |
4,5 |
ДА-32к |
3000х1000 mm |
combi |
5 |
4,5 |
ДА-34з |
3400х1000 mm |
green |
5 |
5,1 |
ДА-34б |
3400х1000 mm |
white |
5 |
5,1 |
ДА-34к |
3400х1000 mm |
combi |
5 |
5,1 |
ДА-38з |
3600х1200 mm |
green |
5 |
6,48 |
ДА-38б |
3600х1200 mm |
white |
5 |
6,48 |
ДА-38к |
3600х1200 mm |
combi |
5 |
6,48 |
ДА-40з |
4000х1000 mm |
green |
5 |
6 |
ДА-40б |
4000х1000 mm |
white |
5 |
6 |
ДА-40к |
4000х1000 mm |
combi |
5 |
6 |
ДА-41з |
4000х1200 mm |
green |
5 |
7,2 |
ДА-41б |
4000х1200 mm |
white |
5 |
7,2 |
ДА-41к |
4000х1200 mm |
combi |
5 |
7,2 |
Single-unit school blackboards |
ДА-10з |
500х750 mm |
green |
1 |
0,375 |
ДА-10б |
500х750 mm |
white |
1 |
0,375 |
ДА-11з |
1000х750 mm |
green |
1 |
0,75 |
ДА-11б |
1000х750 mm |
white |
1 |
0,75 |
ДА-12з |
1500х1000 mm |
green |
1 |
1,5 |
ДА-12б |
1500х1000 mm |
white |
1 |
1,5 |
ДА-14з |
1700х1000 mm |
green |
1 |
1,7 |
ДА-14б |
1700х1000 mm |
white |
1 |
1,7 |
ДА-17з |
1200х900 mm |
green |
1 |
1,08 |
ДА-17б |
1200х900 mm |
white |
1 |
1,08 |
ДА-18з |
1800х1200 mm |
green |
1 |
2,16 |
ДА-18б |
1800х1200 mm |
white |
1 |
2,16 |
ДА-20з |
2000х1000 mm |
green |
1 |
2 |
ДА-20б |
2000х1000 mm |
white |
1 |
2 |
ДА-21з |
2000х1200 mm |
green |
1 |
2,4 |
ДА-21б |
2000х1200 mm |
white |
1 |
2,4 |
Five-unit school blackboards |
ДА-52з |
3000х1000 mm |
green |
7 |
6 |
ДА-52б |
3000х1000 mm |
white |
7 |
6 |
ДА-52к |
3000х1000 mm |
combi |
7 |
6 |
ДА-54з |
3400х1000 mm |
green |
7 |
6,8 |
ДА-54б |
3400х1000 mm |
white |
7 |
6,8 |
ДА-54к |
3400х1000 mm |
combi |
7 |
6,8 |
Rotating double-sided blackboards on metal stands |
ПИ-21з |
1000х750 mm |
green |
2 |
1,5 |
ПИ-21б |
1000х750 mm |
white |
2 |
1,5 |
ПИ-21к |
1000х750 mm |
combi |
2 |
1,5 |
ПИ-22з |
1500х1000 mm |
green |
2 |
3 |
ПИ-22б |
1500х1000 mm |
white |
2 |
3 |
ПИ-22к |
1500х1000 mm |
combi |
2 |
3 |
Source: the official website of the company
Table 32. Retail prices for products of Rialtorg-Detyam, LLC
Product name |
Size |
Price, rubles VAT included |
Wall-mounted single-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
1000x750x20 ( Art . ДК 11 з) |
Wall-mounted single-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
1700x1000x20 (Art. ДК 14 з) |
Wall-mounted single-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
2000x1200x20 (Art. ДК 16 з) |
Wall-mounted single-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДК 12 з) |
Wall-mounted single-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
2000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 15 з) |
Wall-mounted single-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
3000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 17 з) |
Single-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
1000x750x20 (Art. ДК 11 б) |
Single-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
1700x1000x20 (Art. ДК 14 б) |
Single-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
3000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 17 б) |
Single-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДК 12 б) |
Single-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
2000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 15 б) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
2250x1000x10 (Art. ДК 22 з) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
2250x1000x10 (Art. ДК 22 б) |
Wall-mounted 2-unit blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
2250x1000x10 (Art. ДК 22 к) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk |
2000x750x10 (Art. ДК 30 з) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk |
3000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 33 з) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk |
3400x1000x20 (Art. ДК 35 з) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk |
3000x1000x10 (Art. ДК 32 з) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk |
3400x1000x10 (Art. ДК 34 з) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
3000x1000x10 (Art. ДК 32 б) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
3400x1000x10 (Art. ДК 34 б) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
3000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 33 б) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with felt-tip pens |
3400x1000x20 (Art. ДК 35 б) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
2000x750x10 (Art. ДК 30 к) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
3000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 33 к) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
3400x1000x20 (Art. ДК 35 к) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
3000x1000x10 (Art. ДК 32 к) |
3-unit school blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
3400x1000x10 (Art. ДК 34 к) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
3000x1000x10 (Art. ДК 53 з) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for writing with chalk |
3400x1000x10 (Art. ДК 55 з) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
3000x1000x10 (Art. ДК 53 к) |
Wall-mounted 5-unit blackboard for writing with chalk and felt-tip pens |
3400x1000x10 (Art. ДК 55 к) |
Mobile rotating blackboard for chalk |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДП 12 з) |
Mobile rotating blackboard for felt-tip pens |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДП 12 б) |
Mobile rotating combined blackboard for chalk and felt-tip pens |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДП 12 к) |
Mobile rotating blackboard for chalk |
750x1000x20 (Art. ДП 11 з) |
Mobile rotating blackboard for felt-tip pens |
750x1000x20 (Art. ДП 11 б) |
Mobile rotating combined blackboard for chalk and felt-tip pens |
750x1000x20 (Art. ДП 11 к) |
Ruled blackboard for musical staff for chalk |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДК 12 Н) |
Checked blackboard for chalk |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДК 12 К) |
Ruled blackboard for chalk |
1500x1000x20 (Art. ДК 12 Л) |
3-unit blackboard with lined surfaces for chalk |
3000x1000x10 (Art. ДК 32 р) |
3-unit blackboard with lined surfaces for chalk |
3000x1000x20 (Art. ДК 33 р) |
Source: the official website of the company
Conclusions on the research of the market of school blackboards in the Russian Federation, 2014-2016
Prospects and forecast of market development for 2017-2018
According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 185 new schools will be built in Russia in 2017. In 2018 it is planned to build about 180 new schools. Annually, comprehensive repairs of around 1,300-1,500 schools are carried out. In view of this, the volume of the market of school blackboards by 2017 can grow by **% and amount to 144 thousand pieces. By 2018 industry experts predict the volume of the market of school blackboards to be at the level of 170 thousand units.
Diagram 22 . Forecast of the development of the market of school blackboards in Russia, 2014-2018 (forecast).
Source: Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation , opinions of industry experts, assessment and calculations by MegaResearch
Conclusions on the research
The main conclusions on the research are presented below:
Information about the performer of the project
The marketing research “Analysis of the market of school blackboards in Russia” was carried out by MegaResearch research agency. All our specialists have an impressive experience in the development of business plans backed up by deep knowledge in various spheres of economy and business, the availability of a powerful information base, knowledge of the most advanced approaches to business organization, use of the latest calculation methods and their competent adaptation to the specifics of the region or a certain industry. The business plans that we develop correspond to international standards such as UNIDO, BFM Group, KPMG, EBRD, TACIS.
Our customers include :
1 http://www.statdata.ru/russia
2 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273- ФЗ : http://zakon-ob-obrazovanii.ru/
3 The Constitution of the Russian Federation: http://www.constitution.ru/
4 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: http:// минобрнауки
5 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273- ФЗ : http://zakon-ob-obrazovanii.ru/
6 Sales volume was evaluated on the basis of official data of companies on sales revenue for the year.
7 Prices include VAT, as well as free shipping and assembly for educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow, Tver, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga and Smolensk regions
8 All prices include VAT and are valid until May 1, 2017.
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